
Did you know that cockfighting is a sport that has existed for over a thousand years? It is also known as sabong, a popular sport and an institution that has thrived for many years.

Cockfighting is a bloody sport held in a ring called the cockpit. The history of poultry fighting goes back 6,000 years. The first recorded use of the word gamecock, denoting the use of a rooster for “game,” sport, recreation, or entertainment, was recorded in 1634, after the use of the word “gamecock” by George Wilson in 1607 In the earliest books on the sport of cockfighting, Rooster Commendation and Cockfighting. But that was during Magellan’s voyage to discover the Philippines in 1521, when the Italian Antonio Pigafetta first witnessed and recorded modern cockfighting for Westerners in the kingdom of Taytay.

Cockfighting (not to be confused with game birds), specially bred and trained to increase stamina and strength. Male and female chickens of this breed are called pheasants. Roosters are innately aggressive towards all males of the same species. Bets usually depend on the outcome of the game.

How choose the best fighting Cock.

  • A clear eye
  • good sense of perception
  • gentle and caring hands


There are only 2 types of heads a cock possess. The small head which carries a pea-comb and the large headed Single-Comb cock. Most cockers and breeders prefer small heads for aesthetic purposes. It’s up to you to choose according to your preference.

Pea Comb
Single Comb


Any color of the eyes will do as long as it’s clear, alert and bright, well-proportioned, and well-focused. Most cockers and breeders prefer red eyes since it connotes American blood in them.

Red eyes


Big thick beaks show that the cock can execute firm billholds, long thin beaks are signs of speed and agility, and hooked beaks are good for billholding too. Whatever the type of beak you prefer, it should close and set well, and the upper and lower beaks should fit in tightly.

cockfight beak


The skin on the face of the cock should have a smooth red face. Rough faced cocks are either old and/or bred haphazardly.


The neck should be well-proportioned with the body. Feathers around the neck must be full, shiny and smooth.


Should be broad, muscular, and a bit wider in relation to the back and the rest of the body.


Must be full of flesh and rounded barely noticing the bone feeling the meat and not the fat.

Cockfight Breast


The broader the back, the more power it packs.


The tail base should be thick but pliable. Generally, broad tail feathers connotes imported blood, while narrow feathers shows Oriental and/or native infusion.


Long wings mean more shuffling is expected while short wings are meant for clipping in midair.

cockfight wings


Must be longer than the shanks and must be full of supple muscles to create more power while hitting.


Scaly parts of the feet (aka “Adidas”) Big stubby shanks pack more power but a clear sign of slow-footedness, thin shanks are a clear indication of speed and agility.


Smooth and small is always the desirable sign of speed

Cockfighting is a traditional game or form of popular entertainment for the Philippines. Whilst betting on the roosters as they fight each other to death may anger some critics, it is widely popular and allowed during traditional festivals held in the country. The history of cockfighting dates to the 11th century, during the Ly Dynasty and has become a regular fixture during festivals and are heavily attended by men from all walks of life.

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